Yuna was brought in by Louisiana Animal Control running at large. It was actually her second time at the facility. The first time the owners reclaimed her. The second time they did not. They wouldn't answer calls or emails.

Yuna's Story
When Yuna first arrived at DPRPA, she was fostered by our president, Linda Dulak. Linda is skilled at fostering Heartworm positive dogs, which Yuna was. Linda observed that Luna spent more of her time with her head hanging down, looking like she was going to be hit. Any sudden moves and Yuna would run to her crate, as this was her safe place.
After seven months in our care, the perfect adopter was found for her. She is on her way be becoming a full time therapy / service dog! Here's what her new mom has to say:
"Yuna spends time with our trainer, Kellyn, once a week. Every week, Kellyn tells me how impressed she is with how closely we've bonded and how well Yuna is adjusting. We are already getting to a point where we can start training Yuna specific service dog tasks, and we think she is going to enjoy it. She loves learning new things and seems eager to please. She's so smart and sweet.
As a service dog, Yuna goes with me everywhere. She helps me with grocery shopping and running errands. She goes to Barnes & Noble with me when I study and write there. She accompanies me on rare occasions when I work at the office, and she will join me for my master's classes on campus this fall. Every experience seems to be new to her, and sometimes she gets very confused about the strangest things – art sculptures, sprinklers, water pumps, people wearing hats or helmets, bike racks, speakers playing music, etc. But it is like I am opening up a whole new world to her, and she gets excited whenever we go on little trips. I am so happy to be able to give her a life where she gets to experience so many new things.
Overall, Yuna has been an incredible support system for me. It is hard to believe it has only been a little over two months since I brought her home. The grief I feel over losing Luka is still very heavy, but now I have someone to help me carry the weight. I know how special both Luka and Yuna are, and I feel very lucky to have such wonderful dogs to share my life with.